Phone : Gorey: 053 948 9888 & Dublin: 01 442 9852 | Mail :
If you are planning to sell your house or a commercial property you will be required to obtain some legal documents such that the sale can be proccessed. We regularly see sales of property being delayed by a number of months or even not proceeding as a result of the vendor (the seller) not being able to produce these legal documents in a timely fashion. We would recommend to anyone who is considering to sell a property to engage with an Engineer or Architect to obtain the following as early as possible. You will need to check with your solicitor as some of these documents may be with the deeds of the property from when the house was previously sold.
Without all the above (where relevant) the sale of a property will not be able to close. Other areas which you may have overlooked include the Septic Tank registration with the EPA and the property tax receipts.