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Attic Conversion

An attic conversion can be a great way to utilise space in a home. If you are considering an attic conversion then we recommend that you get in touch with us to discuss the steps involved. 

The main areas which need to be addressed are as follows:

  • Fire risk - Converting an attic may introduce fire risks in the home which need to be addressed
  • Structural Issues - An engineer will need to design the attic conversion such that the works comply with current building regulations. Normally this involves the introduction of a steel beam as well as new timber members. A full set of calculations on the loads involved and a set of drawings will be required
  • Planning Issues - There is a lot of bad advice available on the internet in relation to what is and is not exempt from planning. Our engineers have in depth knowledge in this area and can explain clearly what does need planning, what is exempt from planning and the reasons why
  • Tender Package - Most of our clients requests a tender package for the attic conversion such that they can get clear transparent quotes from the contractors. We break the tender package down to an itemised format such that the items on the quote can be compared easily
  • Final Certification - Once the works are completed then a full certification of compliance for the planning (or exemption from planning), the structure (Part A of building regulations) and the fire (Part B of building regulations).

Talk to one of our engineers today to see how we can help you to maximise the space and light of your attic space, as well as ensure that all the works are carried our to meet current building regulations.